Thursday, July 25, 2013

Libertarian Science Fiction?

I had no idea this sub-genre even existed...I mean, is there fiction devoted to other political ideologies?...I don't think I have ever seen Republican or conservative science fiction...unless that is Fox News...then it makes sense.....what would moderate sci fi be I wonder?....I would probably read that. 

The Libertarian Futurist Society recently announced their 2013 award winners. Frankly I probably would not have even looked at it if it hadn't been for Cory Doctorow's name as this year's recipient of one of the Prometheus awards. Looking further at the previous winners list gave me a better grasp on what is meant by libertarian science fiction, although I certainly never called it that before. Probably wouldn't now either come to think of it. Despite that, it does look like an interesting group. I'll stick with the Mythopoeic Society, though.  

Regardless, here is the link to the awards section of their website:

How many of the award winners have you read or are on your list of books to read later?